This weeks speaker was Sharon Louden, she dabbles in drawing, painting, film and installation but just considers herself just an artist. All of her work except the installations are very simple and bland. Throughout every piece of hers there is an elongated curve that she says is a figure or representation of a person. Her installation work is very awesome, she incorporates fiber optics and glow in the dark paint in most of her work. Her pieces are so popular that people actually buy parts of them after they run their course in the gallery. One family bought part of a piece and installed it in their living room. She was commissioned to make a chandelier and the finished work was very good. Her newest conquest is in the realm of film and animation and she is failing. The piece she showed, "The Bridge" the picture above is a still from the movie, was meant to make you feel as if you were in a drawing, I felt like I was watching a cheap bowling alley animation. Trying to stay true to her minimal style she avoids the bells and whistles and the eye catching effects. She needs to embrace all aspects of technology to advance her animations because right now they come across as poorly thought out and cheaply made.
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